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AI, ML, Hiring trends

Which companies are hiring the most AI engineers right now?

May 14, 2024

Layoffs continue across all industries. The question is now whether this is continued restructuring and cost cutting or if the effects of AI are starting to take shape and redundant jobs are now being removed.

Companies are investing billions of dollars into AI and the core of that is AI/ML engineers. 

We at Crustdata track live growth metrics for companies and of them is job openings data. This helps give us and our customers a sense of companies and industries that are growing or are poised for future growth. 

We decided to focus this piece on AI/ML engineering hires and have curated the top list of companies that are hiring across every stage.

Here’s what we found: 

Paris based Mistral AI (1549% YoY) that makes open-sourced secure language models is looking for an AI Scientist and Hippocratic AI (549% YoY), the California based company that is building large language models (LLM) for the healthcare industry, has 8 open AI roles.

Zurich based Scandit is a technology platform that offers smart data capture and barcode scanning software solutions. With over 400 employees, the Series-D company services camera-equipped smart devices from smartphones and wearables to drones and robots with the help of their mobile computer vision and augmented reality (AR) solutions.

Sitting on the top of the list of early stage companies is California based FedML, which is an open source community and an enterprise platform for decentralized and collaborative AI. The seed stage company has 19 employees and a diverse clientele spanning across industries like healthcare, IoT, fintech, proptech, Web3 etc. FedML is looking for 4 AI/ML engineers at the moment.

With over 70,000 layoffs in just the first four months of 2024, the tech slowdown continues. But on the brighter side, with rapid advancement in technologies like artificial intelligence and the investor dollars that will continue to flow into these companies, there’ll be a lot of new openings for AI/ML based roles.

About the data

The data seen above is from Crustdata - the most accurate realtime LinkedIn data source for growth and private equity investors. It indexes billions of public data points on companies every week to provide an edge over the private market.

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